Review: For All My Eternity Coffee Scrubs

When the lovely people at For All My Eternity sent me this scrub to try I was so excited. The scrubs are 100% natural and use organic and fair trade coffee. So not only is it good for your skin, it's good for the growers too. The most important thing for me is that this brand is also cruelty-free. 

WIhen I opened the packet I was instantly hit with the overwhelmingly smell of, well, coffee. The first time I used it was in the morning and the scent woke me up so much that probably I didn't even need my morning cup of caffeine. The scrub has a very earthy smell to it which is a reminder that there isn't any harsh chemicals in it.

I adore the packaging of this coffee scrub. The design is cleverly done as it brings back the whole coffee theme. I was worried it would be extremely flimsy if it got wet, (think Penney's bag in the rain) however it's still holding up fine. The only downside is that I found it's hard to reseal after first opening since the scrub particles often get stuck around the top. In saying that, it's definitely more environmentally friendly than plastic tubs or pots.

The product itself is a little awkward to use. I have to get in the shower, make sure my skin is completely wet (or else it won't stick) turn off the shower and then use the scrub.  But the result is worth it. Admittedly, it does leave your bath looking like it's filled with mud, but if you're used to using LUSH's bath bombs you'll know a quick blast of the shower and it's gone.

My skin feels ridiculously soft after using this. The grittiness of the scrub makes me know it's working deep into my skin. I've never used a coffee scrub before this one so I was a bit sceptical but I was pleasantly surprised. I suffer with dry skin especially on my face and legs and after using this it's probably been the most hydrated it's ever been. Each scrub is bursting with a myriad of ingredients that are wonderful for the skin. The coconut oil and the argan oil hydrate the skin while the coffee beans exfoliates any dry patches. 

The product weighs at 200g and I know I'll get so many uses out of it. They retail at £15 or around €17 which is not that expensive considering the size and considering the price of similar products on the market (yes I'm talking about you LUSH)
To purchase a scrub and to find out more about this brand you can click here


*I  was sent this product to test out and review however all opinions are my own.


  1. Aha, the smell of coffee is so gross. I've used a coffee scrub from another brand and found it was actually quite useful. I never repurchased because I hate the coffee smell.

    S .x

  2. You look absolutely adorable even when you're covered in coffee hehe! You're so pretty 😻 Sounds like a fab scrub as well, I need to check out this company for sure!

    Abbey ✨

  3. You look so cute! This products sounds absolutely amazing!

  4. I've not tried a coffee scrub before but have been looking into which one to try! This All My Eternity one sounds really good I'm adding it to my Wishlist!
    Lisa xxx

  5. I'm gonna have to give this a try! You're also really pretty. X

  6. Want to try this so bad!! :)

  7. This scrub sounds amazing! I'm definitely going to look in to it as it sounds like something I'd really like! Great post! X


  8. I absolutely adore body scrubs but I've yet to try out a coffee one, definitely need to purchase one and give it a try. This sounds amazing x

    Jordan || Darling Jordan

  9. I really want to try this product or one similar but I hate the smell of coffee so I probably won't! Fab post though! x

  10. Ooohhhh i need to try this. Im a caffeine fiend!

  11. I loove the smell of coffee so I really like the sound of this! Great review x

  12. This really sounds amazing! I want to try a coffee scrub for so long now x


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